Season Update

28 Nov 2021 by Josh Nicolaisen

We are so excited to get our season kicked off next weekend!

Here are a couple reminders for the 2021/22 Season:

-All events are open by pre-registration only. There will be no day-of registration. Registrations will close on Thursday nights prior to each event (except for our Friday event in March; that registration will close on Wednesday of that week).

-Athletes will be receiving one bib each to keep for the season and to be responsible for bringing to each event. Replacement bibs will be $25.

-Coaches and staff must also pre-register for all events. This helps us insure your membership and credentials are active.

-Event fees have been reduced, but do not include lift access. We continue to work with our host resorts to negotiate the best rate possible for our athletes/coaches. Stay tuned and we will update each event with ticketing information as we get it.

-Team App will be our Official Posting Board for the season. Startlists and schedules will be posted sometime during the day prior to each event.

-We will be doing our best to limit indoor in-person check-in periods and hope to run check-ins at the tops of courses during practice periods.

Thank you so much for being part of the NH USASA Family. Follow us on Instagram if you haven’t yet; we’re at @nh_usasa. We can’t wait to see you all on the hill…just a couple days left to sign up for next weekend’s rail jams!

Hoping for snow,

Josh and the whole USASA New Hampshire Series Team